Working Forward, a huntsman on the ridge
Hunting Home
OCH Happy Hunting with Malcolm Matheson
OCH Hounds, III
Coaching four-in-hand, III
Pony Home the Fieldhunter
Cloverlone Mare and Foal Portrait, III
Spring Races Outrider Orange County Hounds
Andalusian Study, I
Fading Turquoise Cow Barn
OCH Hunting on foot with Reg Spreadborough
Coupled Hounds
Iris Study, XIII
Friesians Four in Hand, II
Rectortown Landscape, II
Farmington Hunt Landscape
Rooster X
Flossie, the Brown Swiss Cow
Coaching Horses, I aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Afternoon Nap
Coupled Hounds, II
Blonde d'Aquitaine, IV
Stallion Gesture Pose V, Flashinator
Summer Breeze
Sunning Corgies, II
Lotus and Water Lilies, I
Meath Hunting Sidesaddle, I
Middleburg Races Outriders Study in Pink
Saddlebred Study, a portrait, I
Brahman Bull, III
Iris, I
Rooster Study in Teal and Plum
High Season Polo
Fox in the Spring Grass
Sunning Corgies, I
Portrait of Charlie Matheson, OCH
The Jack Russell
The Sun Bathers, II
Vindicator, World's Grand Champion of Ch
Courageous Sam, an alpaca portrait
Ducks, III
Moore County Hounds
Popeye K and Tommy Serio
Rooster, XVII
Jockeys at Oatlands Plantation Spring Races
Richard Spooner
The Dairy Cow, I
McLain Ward an Quimi del Masat, II
Stallion Gesture Pose IV, Captain America
Master Hound
R-Flash, a Portrait of a Holsteiner Stallion
Jumper Landings, I
Rooster, XXI
First Shear, Alpaca I
The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light
Penny Luke, Jack Russell portrait
Chinn, a portrait
Piedmont Fox Hounds Hunter Pace, I
Rooster, VI
Huntsman from the Forrest Shadows
Paparazzi and Aaron Vale
Flying Hunt Coat Field Hunter Championships
The Jumper Ring Upperville, II
Hunt Landscape, VII
Zinnias, II
Stallion Gesture Pose
Christmas Hound
Middleburg Hound Study
Quiet Riot in the Spring
Saluki Hound
Brahman Bull, I
First Field Orange Country Hounds
Belmont Races
Zohar Ben Dov on a grey hunter with Orange County Hounds
Full Cry Hounds
Hunt Landscape, I
Blue Ridge Hunt Thanksgiving Meet with Graham Buston
Upperville Hunter Hack
Afternoon Grooming, Ducks IV
Cismont Manor Farm's Capitol Hill
Holsteiner Stallion Portrait, R-Flash-Gordon
Sunset on Poor House Road
Qui Dandy Windsor Z Portrait
Summer Drive
Blue Horse Matine and Andreas Helgstrand
Declaration, a portrait
Portrait of a Red Angus, I
South on Trappe, II
Summer Sunrise with Snickersville Hounds
Hazy Summer Cloverlone Mare Pasture
Iris, III
Hunt Landscape, V
Portrait of a Conformation Hunter
The Paddock, Middleburg Spring Races
Banbury Cross Polo, II
Rockeby Maple, II
The Three Huntsmen
Triple Combination
Minding the Fire, portrait of Dr. William Ley,
Bent Tree Farm Friesians
Hunting Aside, a portrait of Devon Z
Animal Night
Jockeys, I
Summer Afternoon Carriage Drive
OCH Hound Study
Lucy's Hay Barn, Cow Hill I
Rooster Morning
Sidesaddle in Purple and Green
Lucy's Cow Barn - Cow Hill Blacksburg VA
Rooster, VII
Brahman Bull, V
Iris Study, X
Flossie's Portrait, I
Sidesaddle Portrait, I
Summer Polo Study
Calumet Lane Oak Tree
Nancy Dillon hunting with Piedmont Fox Hounds, Liz Callar reference photo
Maddy, a portrait
Sunny Day
Christmas Day Hunting with OCH
Summer Pleasures, Hound Walk
Piedmont Fox Hounds Hunter Pace, II
Blue Ridge Races
Mallard Ducks
Patience, a portrait of Jt MFH Penny Denegre and her champion sidesaddle mare Garnet
Upperville Family Class, I
Bassett Hound
Three Ladies Aside, Upperville Colt and Horse Show
Cubbing Field Hunters, Field Hunter Championships
McLain Ward and Quimi del Masat Portrait, I
OCH Cubbing with Charlie Matheson II
Rooster, XVI
The Tantivy Coach
Trouble, a portrait, I
BRH Closing Meet with Karen Ewbank
Carry On, A Holsteiner Stallion
Jockey in Oakridge Silks, I
Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II
Red Brahman
Untamed, a self portrait
Stallion Gesture III, Playing with Fire
Christmas Ayrshire Shires, II
Cloverlone Mare Field Sunset
Upperville Grand Prix Jumper, I
Stolen in Miami, Grand Prix Jumper Upperville
OCH Outrider, III
Retired Horse Pasture Shade Tree
The Grey Mare aft Munnings
Hunt Study, II
Poor House Farm, plein air study
Durk, Study in Blue and Orange
Afternoon Ride
Blonde d'Aquitaine Cow Portrait
Stallion Gesture Pose I, Summer Shadows
Billy BC Douglas, a portrait
Rooster in the Garden
Warrenton Hunt Night Pairs Class
Upperville Sidesaddle Study
Grey Stallion in Winter Sunset
Locksley Spotlight
Frosty Morning Cubbing, OCH
The Hunting Hound, V
Roosters in the Landscape
Iris Study, XII
Rooster Study in Orange and Green
Four in Hand, WEG 2010
Zinnias, I
National Sporting Library and Museum Polo Study
Sargent Cow
Stallion Gesture II, Captain America
Gone to Ground, OCH Thanksgiving Day
Middleburg Christmas Parade Huntsman
Friesian Mare in the Stables
My Girl
Louis Louis, a portrait
Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin
OCH Cubbing with Charlie Matheson, I
All The Gold
Setting Sun on Marvelous Marvin
Jingles, a beagle portrait
Bunny Mellon Basket House, Rokeby
Blackthorne Swan, I
Mill Reef Portrait
Huntsman Portrait, Gale Rives Cayce
Friesians, four in hand
Golden Field Hunter
Ducks in the Afternoon, II
Iris Study, IX
The Keur
Piedmont Foxhounds at Oakley, 2009
Rooster, V
South on Trappe, I
Bak, a portrait
Coaching Horses II, aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Buddy, the Angus Bull
Brahman Bull in Pink and Green
Sidesaddle Portrait, III
McLain Ward and Quimi del Masat, Portrait III
Krypton J, Champion Deep Run Hound
The Field Hunter, I
Banbury Cross Polo, I
Classic Equine, I
Rokeby Tree
The Jumper Ring Upperville, I
Earl and Idse
Craig Creek Draft
National Sporting Library Polo, I
Champion hunter mare portrait of Rejoice and her colt Quiver
Iris, II
Cloverlone Grey Mares in Summer Pastures
The Jog, Upperville Hunter
Rooster XIV
Blonde d'Aquataine, III
Showbiz, a portrait of a grand Dutch KWPN mare by Jazz
Blonde d'Aquataine, II
Meath Sidesaddle Portrait, II
Eggleston Cliffs
Blonde d'Aquitaine, III
Dr. William B. Ley, a portrait
Portrait of a Foxhunter in Piedmont Cubbing Season reference photo by Liz Callar
Lotus and Water Lilies, II
Rectortown Landscape, III
Hunt Landscape, II
Lucy's Pig Barn, Cow Hill III
Classic Equine, V
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