Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II

Blue Ridge Hunt Races painted by Gail Guirreri,

Art Detail Information:

  • Artwork Title: Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II
  • Artist Name: Gail D. Guirreri Maslyk
  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas wrapped board
  • Height (inches): 39
  • Width (inches): 48
  • Depth (inches): 2
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Artist Studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $5,400.00
  • Refunds: Non-refundable

Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II is a painting by sporting artist residing in hunt country of northern Virginia, Gail Guirreri. This strong composition on 39"x48" canvas wrapped board is from Gail's own reference on the racing course in Millwood, Virginia. This painting hangs and is available for sale at Larkins Tack Repair in Marshall, Va.

"It is one thing to sit on the hill socializing and watch each race come by but it is a completely different experience to get dropped off on course by the race officials. One sits and waits in the quiet with the muffled noise of the speaker and audience off in the distance. Race is off and the thunder bubbles up. As they come closer your hair stands on end and you make that last check on your camera in hopes of firing fast enough with accuracy to capture the few seconds they might exist perfectly in your view finder. It can be hot, cold, wet and even a bit boring to sit out on course by yourself missing the fun back on the hill but those few seconds every half hour become worth it in the end."

"On this particular day many photographers were out. The light was really quite perfect and we all had a grand time. Douglas Lees, Liz Callar, Doug and Karen from Middleburg photograpers among others were out on a gorgeous day for horse racing. The start was fabulous! Horses were tight and full of fire in that first quarter mile. I wish I had my Sony camera on that day. It would have captured so much more. This particular shot stood out as the one horse actually was looking back at me. I love seeing the strong quarters from this angle and could never repeat that perfect stroke of mixed paint. I allowed the light to stay muted rather than bright. The mood gives that sligthly lonely feeling of being out on the race course waiting. One can feel the dust rise from the dry ground under the thundering hooves. I am quite tickled with this painting."

Hashes: Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery, Paintings For Sale, Transition Period I, Transition Period I Available, Warrenton Art Show 2023,

Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery

Paintings For Sale

Transition Period I

Transition Period I Available

Warrenton Art Show 2023

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