The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light

The Bathers ocean sport horses is a painting by Gail Guirreri

Art Detail Information:

  • Artist Name: Gail D. Guirreri Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 15
  • Width (inches): 45
  • Depth (inches): 2
  • Framed: Yes
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $1,450.00

The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light, is a painting of the High Point Hanoverian's team taking a well deserved summer break. Often sport horses are so focused on work that play time is forgotten. But not at High Point Hanoverians with Klaus and his love of good times! Living close to the water has it's advantages and the endless composition opportunities remind us to enjoy each day to the fullest!

"I have never sought out imagery of horses in water. It's usually the romantic breeds one sees in such material. Though romatic breeds are beautiful, they have not seduced me as the imagery of these more comfortable gestures with horses that are more part of my own every day life. I can think of a number out of my barn that would love such a day! Most of them are from the same family that compete for time in front of the hose whil I fill water tanks."

Hashes: Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022, Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery, Paintings For Sale, Transition Period I, Transition Period I Available,

Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022

Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery

Paintings For Sale

The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light

Transition Period I

Transition Period I Available

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