This painting was started as an experiment of painting process as I have described in my process statement. As an artist we develop our bag of tricks that make us unique. I have made my own statement as an artist but decided it's time to grow. This painting is about that growth. In a way, it's like going backwards into more traditional work but in that process, because of my stage, it will take me forward to new ideas. If you saw this painting in a gallery you might have to look at the signature to see who painted it! Of course that is not my ultimate goal. I think these paintings I do now will further my depth in future paintings and also appeal to a more conservative collector.
Over the last couple months I have been painting with other artists in a figure painting class. It has been more than 20 years since I painted the figure from a live model on a regular basis. The time constraint required me to make a few changes in my process. In this painting I used some of those techniques in an experiment to soften edges some and allow myself to move the drawing around mid painting. In figure class we do not have hours to get the drawing just right which I usually do in my painting. These hounds were adapted and moved some. In this process the entire canvas does get covered in opaque paint. In my normal process, the drawing is iridescent since the paint used to draw is transparent. Normally, I get the drawing right and do not move it as I finish the painting. If opaque paint covers transparent, by moving the drawing mid painting, that raw canvas and glow of transparent paint is lost. Will I use this exclusively now? Probably not. But for some time I will pursue this process further.
Hashes: Transition Period I,
Hunt Landscape, V
Upperville Hunter Hack
Sidesaddle Portrait, I
Sidesaddle Portrait, III
The Grey Mare aft Munnings
Banbury Cross Polo, I
Banbury Cross Polo, II
Christmas Hound
Untamed, a self portrait
Friesians Four in Hand, II
Jockeys at Oatlands Plantation Spring Races
Upperville Grand Prix Jumper, I
Upperville Family Class, I
Stolen in Miami, Grand Prix Jumper Upperville
Working Forward, a huntsman on the ridge
Full Cry Hounds
Jingles, a beagle portrait
Golden Field Hunter
Billy BC Douglas, a portrait
Blue Ridge Hunt Thanksgiving Meet with Graham Buston
Summer Afternoon Carriage Drive
Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II
Friesian Mare in the Stables
The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light
First Field Orange Country Hounds
Portrait of a Foxhunter in Piedmont Cubbing Season reference photo by Liz Callar
Showbiz, a portrait of a grand Dutch KWPN mare by Jazz
Portrait of a Conformation Hunter
The Sun Bathers, II
Coaching Horses, I aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Coaching Horses II, aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Stallion Gesture Pose I, Summer Shadows
Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin
High Season Polo
Hazy Summer Cloverlone Mare Pasture
Grey Stallion in Winter Sunset
OCH Outrider, III
Stallion Gesture III, Playing with Fire
Four in Hand, WEG 2010
Middleburg Races Outriders Study in Pink
Poor House Farm, plein air study
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