Coaching Horses II, aft Sir Alfred Munnings

Coaching Horse Study II aft Sir Alfred Munnings by Gail Guirreri

Coaching Horses II, is a reproduction painting by Gail Guirreri aft Sir Alfred Munnings. Munnings did many coaching horse studies that lead to his painting 'Their Majesties Return from Ascot', 1925.

"In my second reproduction attempt I realized that watching each stroke slowed my natural quickness down too much. I started this second canvas studying more from the start and then painting with my more natural flow and speed. I did look at two separate studies but preferred the loose brush stroke version. My colors again were not a match to Munnings palette. I used the same colors as in my first but added a cheat color tube, alizarin permanent (PV19, PR149, PB29) that I was not terribly happy with. I went back to my naphol red (PR112) and added some warm transparent red ochre (PR 102) and Winsor orange (PO73). In hindsight I could have tried transparent maroon from Winsor and Newton (PBr25) to get deeper reds mixed with PV19 and PB29. Working from a Munnings study opens up new ideas in my own painting."

Hashes: Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022, Transition Period I,

Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022

Transition Period I

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