Art Detail Information:
Stallion Gesture III, Playing with Fire is a painting by Gail Guirreri.
Hashes: Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022, Transition Period I,
Full Cry Hounds
Blue Ridge Hunt Thanksgiving Meet with Graham Buston
Friesian Mare in the Stables
The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light
Nancy Dillon hunting with Piedmont Fox Hounds, Liz Callar reference photo
Portrait of a Foxhunter in Piedmont Cubbing Season reference photo by Liz Callar
Coaching Horses, I aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Coaching Horses II, aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Equine Impressions Art Exhibit at Long Branch Historic House
Stallion Gesture Pose I, Summer Shadows
Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin
High Season Polo
Hazy Summer Cloverlone Mare Pasture
Grey Stallion in Winter Sunset
OCH Outrider, III
Stallion Gesture II, Captain America
Huntsman Portrait, Gale Rives Cayce
Stallion Gesture Pose IV, Captain America
Stallion Gesture Pose V, Flashinator
Three Ladies Aside, Upperville Colt and Horse Show
Setting Sun on Marvelous Marvin
Mill Reef Portrait
Calumet Lane Oak Tree
Hunt Landscape, V
Upperville Hunter Hack
Sidesaddle Portrait, I
Sidesaddle Portrait, III
The Grey Mare aft Munnings
OCH Hounds, III
Banbury Cross Polo, I
Banbury Cross Polo, II
Christmas Hound
Untamed, a self portrait
Friesians Four in Hand, II
Jockeys at Oatlands Plantation Spring Races
Upperville Grand Prix Jumper, I
Upperville Family Class, I
Stolen in Miami, Grand Prix Jumper Upperville
Working Forward, a huntsman on the ridge
Full Cry Hounds
Jingles, a beagle portrait
Golden Field Hunter
Billy BC Douglas, a portrait
Blue Ridge Hunt Thanksgiving Meet with Graham Buston
Summer Afternoon Carriage Drive
Blue Ridge Hunt Races, II
Friesian Mare in the Stables
The Sun Bathers, dressage horses resting in water and light
First Field Orange Country Hounds
Portrait of a Foxhunter in Piedmont Cubbing Season reference photo by Liz Callar
Showbiz, a portrait of a grand Dutch KWPN mare by Jazz
Portrait of a Conformation Hunter
The Sun Bathers, II
Coaching Horses, I aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Coaching Horses II, aft Sir Alfred Munnings
Stallion Gesture Pose I, Summer Shadows
Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin
High Season Polo
Hazy Summer Cloverlone Mare Pasture
Grey Stallion in Winter Sunset
OCH Outrider, III
Four in Hand, WEG 2010
Middleburg Races Outriders Study in Pink
Poor House Farm, plein air study
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