Upperville Grand Prix Jumper, I

Upperville Grand Prix Jumper

This large canvas, 42" x 72", is a gesture oil wash painting with white canvas exposed. Often a dark wall or room needs light reflected back into the room. This painting was first hung in a cafe with dark brown walls. The entire room was hung with gesture wash paintings in blue and white and the feel of the space brightened up considerably. The size makes one feel like you are on ringside at the grand prix. The brush strokes were quick and definite. In order to achive this type of drawing, a soft wash color of masses were placed first for reference to the whole. This is a new technique in comparison to the method I have used for many years. I have always been fond of white canvas showing. This series gives me the opportunity to explore the idea further.

Hashes: Transition Period I,

Transition Period I

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