Commission Portrait Paintings by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

Commission your portrait to be painted by sporting artist Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

Virginia sporting artist Gail Guirreri-Maslyk is available for commission painting portraits between gallery art shows. Her palette of glowing color and unique style is somewhere between impressionism and modern representational. Equestrian portraits of field hunters, show riders, huntsman and other human figures as well as her horse equine and pet portraits are on the larger scale. A modest size canvas for the horse and rider is 30"x40", seated portraits are 34"x48", smaller pet portraits may be 18"x24" and the living room mantel pieces are 48" or more wide as the space will allow.

"I prefer to take my own reference photos but can work from good quality composition photos with written permission from the photogapher. There is a palette builder page on my web site to help you choose and match my pigment colors to your decor. I stretch my own canvas on board with supports for a stable surface and use premium gesso on 12oz cotton. Should a painting need to be shipped, package and shipping may be estimated ahead of time (no guarantees on rates) as larger pieces can be harder to ship. Crating and shipping on horse trailers has been one method for larger canvases! Dr. Willliam Ley builds my boards and is available for framing."

"I have taken hundreds of thousands of photos in the hunt field of northern Virginia and at major horse shows over the years. Possbibly I already have you captured on camera."

Prices start at $450 for sketch studies in oil on canvas depending on the subject. Each commission is individually priced based upon how complicated the composition is. Please contact Gail for a quote and to discuss possible payment arrangements.

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