Stolen in Miami, Grand Prix Jumper Upperville

Upperville Colt and Horse Show Grand Prix Jumper painting

Grand Prix Jumper on a Grass Field is an impressive large canvas, 36" x 60" and on view in Wellington, Florida this winter season 2018-2019 and possibly at Art Basel in December. On a screen it may look like fairly simple. This is a canvas to get lost in. The colors are deep and seductive next to the soft background. It is a step in a different direction for the artist. When asked what was the inspiration from a fellow artist Gail replied ..." I have always loved my drawing stage and have been searching for a way to be complete at that point. That leads to more control over the pale colors. I usually start with transparent washes that are dark backgrounds for opaque and white paint to be added. In the new series of paintings, muted colors are massed in under the drawing. It is a complete reversal in process. I am using my own palette builder program to study colors before painting."

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