Jingles, a beagle portrait

Virginia Hunting Nantucket Beagles Jingle

Jingles, is a beagle portrait painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk.

"Living in Clarke County, VA I got invited to watch Nantucket Beagles work in early fall a couple years back. Following these adorable creatures in a small territory can be enjoyed by many since man is on foot, not horse. They move very fast hunting rabbit and capturing a beagle on camera is more challenging than I anticipated. It helps to be downhill looking up at them to get a proper perspective. I got lucky and captured Jingle beaming expression in his face and gesture."

Hashes: Tally Ho Art Show, Transition Period I,

Tally Ho Art Show

Transition Period I

0 minutes 0 seconds

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Current: 18215KB. Peak: 18289KB.