Hunting Home

Hunting Home Field Hunting in Virginia is an oil painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

Hunting Home is a composition of the illusive view of a huntsman trotting home in the woods along side one of our beautiful country roads in Virginia Hunt Country. Slightly abstract in nature, the composition sets the focus on the huntsman with foliage flying by in peripheral vision. Possibly she notices you driving too fast and is concerned for the hounds or possibly just happy to wave hello to a fellow neighbor. Hunt country is being encroached upon by people that love the views but do not always know how to have consideration for the animals. One can notice more by putting down the phones, opening the windows and meandering slowly in the country. I pray we can keep our hunt countryside open and safe for the next generation to enjoy.

Hashes: Tally Ho Art Show,

Tally Ho Art Show

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