OCH Hunting on foot with Reg Spreadborough

OCH Reg Spreadborough, a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk original photo by Liz Calar

Art Detail Information:

  • Artist Name: Gail D. Guirreri Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 58
  • Width (inches): 48
  • Depth (inches): 2
  • Current Location: Ashby Inn
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $3,800.00

OCH Hunting on foot with Reg Spreadborough, a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk and reference photo by Liz Calar is the largest canvas in the Tally Ho Holiday Art exhibit at Long Branch in Millwood VA. At 58" tall the story of good fun sport for huntsman, hounds and viewer comes to life.

"Liz is always in the right place at the right time. It takes years of experience following hounds to capture such a moment. When her photo graced the cover of Covertside this fall I double checked to see if I could still use it for reference. Most artists would see the photo and paint the colors as they see it, especially the perfect blue sky. I work color in limited palette and had to make a decision on the sky first. I knew at this large size, blue would overwhelm a room. I wanted to enhance the lightness of air softly that would in turn allow the drama of height over the gap in the round bales. I have followed OCH on foot and know how well Reg keeps up with those hounds for hours. Hopefully this winter the ground will allow for more mounted days than last year but what a day this must have been. Knowing the hard work behind the photo, I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to paint this composition!"

Hashes: Larkin Tack Repair Paintings, Tally Ho Art Show,

Larkin Tack Repair Paintings

Tally Ho Art Show

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