The Tantivy Coach

Tantivy Coach in Hunt Country, a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

The Tantivy Coach depicting the National Sporting Library and Museum Drive is a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk.

"Bill and I were out on farm calls (vet work) when we noticed crossing guards at the end of Trapp Rd on Rt 50. Of course I had my camera with me so we pulled over and watched the parade of coaches go by. With perfect light against the pine trees, I got plenty of material to work with. One of my most noticed paintings was from of that days material, Friesians Four in Hand, I. This painting of the Tantivy was meant to be a small study for a larger canvas. I was so happy with it that I did not feel the need to paint it again right away. Many thanks to family friends John and Donna Smith for allowing it to show in Tally Ho Holliday art show. It hangs nicely next to a window looking out the driveway of Long Branch. One could imagine a coach heading out down the drive on a sunny afternoon."

Hashes: Tally Ho Art Show,

Tally Ho Art Show

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