Gone to Ground, OCH Thanksgiving Day

Gone to Ground, OCH Thanksgiving Day with John Coles is a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

'Gone to Ground, OCH Thanksgiving Day' is a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk in Tally Ho Holiday Art Show at Long Branch depicting the final chase of the day. John Coles is ponying Reg's horse as the hounds work the ground behind the back barns at Chilly Bleak. This is the reverse view from the painting 'OCH Thanksgiving Day', permanent collection of Salamander Resort and Spa.

This painting is available for sale at Larkins Tack Repair in Marshall, VA.

Hashes: Tally Ho Art Show, Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery, Paintings For Sale,

Tally Ho Art Show

Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery

Paintings For Sale

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