Who could ever forget Middleburg Christmas Parade of 2009? Snow was in the forecast but never did we suspect we would get pouring snow that amounted to over three feet. That did not stop the parade, hounds, viewers or cameras from taking in a magical day! My camera was soaked even under the wraps I had covered it with. For this painting I chose a simple composition. In reality the parade is quite noisy but when I was looking through my photos this one spoke a different aura of quiet solitude. I could feel a memory I never witnessed of days gone by when the hunt did not have an audience as they walked hounds through town on their way home. As our countryside grows in admiration with new comers we loose the simplicity that must have existed. I bet it was a peaceful sportman's life.
Hashes: Tally Ho Art Show,
Afternoon Ride
Hunt Landscape, V
Friesians, four in hand
The Three Huntsmen
Christmas Hound
Hunting Home
Flying Hunt Coat Field Hunter Championships
Tally Ho Holiday Art Show at Long Branch Historic House and Farm
Huntsman from the Forrest Shadows
Piedmont Foxhounds at Oakley, 2009
Zohar Ben Dov on a grey hunter with Orange County Hounds
Summer Pleasures, Hound Walk
OCH Cubbing with Charlie Matheson, I
OCH Cubbing with Charlie Matheson II
Cubbing Field Hunters, Field Hunter Championships
BRH Closing Meet with Karen Ewbank
OCH Happy Hunting with Malcolm Matheson
Patience, a portrait of Jt MFH Penny Denegre and her champion sidesaddle mare Garnet
OCH Hunting on foot with Reg Spreadborough
Working Forward, a huntsman on the ridge
Full Cry Hounds
Jingles, a beagle portrait
Golden Field Hunter
The Field Hunter, I
The Tantivy Coach
Billy BC Douglas, a portrait
Blue Ridge Hunt Thanksgiving Meet with Graham Buston
Gone to Ground, OCH Thanksgiving Day
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