McLain Ward and Quimi del Masat Portrait, I

Oil painting of McLain Ward winning Upperville Colt and Horse Show Grand Prix in 2023 aboard Quimi del Maset

Art Detail Information:

  • Artwork Title: McLain Ward and Quimi del Masat, I
  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 30
  • Width (inches): 24
  • Depth (inches): 1
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Artist Studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $3,200.00
  • Refunds: Non-refundable

McLain Ward and Quimi del Masat Portrait, I is an oil on canvas painting by Gail Guirreri. "I photographed the pair at Upperville Jumper Classic, 2023 and came away with loads of material to paint from ( I very much enjoyed their rounds. Both were quiet, focused and engaged with nice tempo. One could almost see an equitation course the ride was so smooth. As a Holsteiner breeder myself I am very impressed by the 2014 Spanish Sport Horse (Quasimodo Z x Increta del Maset) gelding owned by Sport Four USA LLC. His mental effort added to his physical effort makes him one to watch as an example of a great modern jumper. His overall technique is excellent giving him clear rounds and fast jump off. Now we wait to see if they make the USET team for Olympics in Paris!"

This first portrait of McLain and Quimi was painted in December, 2023 when Gail was in a red an green mood. The green is cobalt green . A larger portrait is in the works for Upperville Colt and Horse Show, 2024.

Hashes: Transition Period II, Transition Period II Available, Upperville Colt and Horse Show Paintings and Fabrics,

Transition Period II

Transition Period II Available

Upperville Colt and Horse Show Paintings and Fabrics

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