Quiet Riot in the Spring

Quiet Riot, a warmblood gelding portrait painting

Art Detail Information:

  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Artwork Title: Quiet Riot in the Spring
  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas
  • Height (inches): 16
  • Width (inches): 20
  • Depth (inches): 1
  • Current Location: Artist Studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $1,125.00

'Quiet Riot in the Spring' is an equestrian landscape oil painting by Gail Guirreri. Quiet Riot is a royally bred Holsteiner sport horse. He was a stallion until a few months prior to this portrait painting. Upon gelding he has been much happier and less dynamic in the paddock. He went from galloping most of the day to enjoying grass and taking naps. Though he is more quiet than riot now, he can keep his name. Quiet Riot is a gorgeous model with long line bones and elegant curves.

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Art in the Burg 2024

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