Rooster in the Garden

Rooster in the Garden, original oil painting by Gail Guirreri

Art Detail Information:

  • Artwork Title: Rooster in the Garden Landscape
  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 24
  • Width (inches): 24
  • Depth (inches): 1
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Artist Studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $1,650.00
  • Refunds: Non-refundable

'Rooster in the Landcape' is a 24 inch framed square oil on canvas in bold colors balanced by tin yellow and emerald greens. This rooster is doing his job protecting his hens in the day garden. Feathers flarred wide and a prominent stance will chase most any viewer from invading his territory. This original oil painting is framed beautifuly in a wide textured wood with medium brown stain. The frame wood patterns pick up on the wild feathers.

Hashes: Art in the Burg 2024, Salamander Art, Transition Period II, Transition Period II Available,

Art in the Burg 2024

Salamander Art

Transition Period II

Transition Period II Available

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