The Jumper Ring Upperville, II

Upperville Jumper Study, II

Art Detail Information:

  • Artwork Title: The Jumper Ring Upperville, II
  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 20
  • Width (inches): 20
  • Depth (inches): 1
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Artist Studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $1,100.00
  • Refunds: Non-refundable

The Jumper Ring Upperville, II is an oil painting study in greens of a dynamic lead change of a show jumper. "I love capturing dynamic moments of talented fit horses" says artist Gail. It is obvious that these types of poses strike her creative chord. Both of these Upperville jumper studies have been developed into equestrian fabric and silk scarf designs. Follow her design work on

Hashes: Art in the Burg 2024, Transition Period II, Transition Period II Available, Upperville Colt and Horse Show Paintings and Fabrics,

Art in the Burg 2024

Transition Period II

Transition Period II Available

Upperville Colt and Horse Show Paintings and Fabrics

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