Golden Field Hunter

The Golden Fieldhunter, a painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk

Art Detail Information:

  • Artist Name: Gail D. Guirreri Maslyk
  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas wrapped board
  • Height (inches): 48
  • Width (inches): 30
  • Depth (inches): 2
  • Current Location: Artist Possession
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $1,850.00
  • Artwork Description: This drawing was left as is but it could also be taken to another level of color and development by request.

Golden Field Hunter is a horse portrait painting by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk.

"Originally intended to be a more natural color portrait, this composition took on a life of it's own in the studio one morning. The horse had just won a sidesaddle race and was still quite impressed with himself. The under painting created his energy so well I could not bear to cover it up in normal color. I had many options in composition and photos but chose this one of just him without his rider. He seemed so much in his own space just after the race. I was very drawn to him as an individual and wanted to capture this energy. It is not unusual for me not to have a complete plan from the start of a painting. My art is accomplished when it accomplishes the mood I felt."

Hashes: Paintings For Sale, Tally Ho Art Show, Transition Period I, Transition Period I Available,

Paintings For Sale

Tally Ho Art Show

Transition Period I

Transition Period I Available

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