Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin

Self Portrait Gail Guirreri and Marvelous Marvin

'Artist Self Portrait Riding Marvelous Marvin' is an oil painting by Gail Guirreri. It can be viewed at Piedmont Equine Hospital lobby in Marshall, VA.

"Marvin has the most incredible good looks and sleek coat. His dark bay color is deep purple brown and shines purple. I have searched long and hard for a single pigment that can pull off this deep color and highlight while painting swiftly. Thanks to oil colors by Michael Harding, I now have many ideal pigments for equestrian portraiture."

Hashes: Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022, Paintings For Sale, Transition Period I,

Equine Impressions Art Exhibit Long Branch 2022

Paintings For Sale

Transition Period I

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