National Sporting Library Polo, I

NSLM Polo Benefit at Great Meadow in The Plains, VA

Art Detail Information:

  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 33
  • Width (inches): 48
  • Depth (inches): 2
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Salamander Resort and Spa Equestrian Center Lobby
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $2,500.00

National Sporting Library Polo, I by Gail Guirreri-Maslyk is an equestrian sporting art oil painting on canvas wrapped board measuring 34" x 48".

I started this composition with paint left on my palette from the pleasure driving canvas. I had some Winsor and Newton orange, naphol scarlet and bismuth yellow along with titanium zinc white. The watermelon drawing glowed in my studio for a few days before I could decide what colors I could use that would not cover up or take away from the wonderful glow! I mixed many options one evening but nothing made me feel like I was on the right track. We were half awake most of last night after the power went out at 2 am. At some point I was painting in my mind with two tubes I pulled out that I had not yet considered, cobalt violet and green gold which is actually a yellow (PY129).I have not tried the violet yet but the green gold mixed with my red and orange is perfect for keeping a luminous glow of the watermelon drawing and allowing me to move forward giving mass to the horses. It's been years since I have used this wishy washy green but I remembered using it for the Redneck hounds of Orange County Hounds. A truly bright chestnut can be hard to achieve. Burnt sienna and Indian yellow is just not the same. Being able to add just one color to what I have started with makes such a big difference! I can add white and the color stays strong and fresh. I am very excited about this composition. There's not much color or light to go on in the original photo but the horses in motion are fabulous. Combining the exciting composition with great paint will make it much more special.

Hashes: Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery, Paintings For Sale, Salamander Art,

Hunt Country Impressions Byrne Gallery

Paintings For Sale

Salamander Art

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