Blonde d'Aquitaine Cow Portrait

Blonde d'Aquitaine Cow Portrait

Art Detail Information:

  • Artwork Title: Blonde d Aquitaine Cow Portrait
  • Artist Name: Gail Guirreri-Maslyk
  • Height (inches): 18
  • Width (inches): 18
  • Depth (inches): 1
  • Framed: Yes
  • Current Location: Artist studio
  • Purchase Price (dollars): $950.00
  • Refunds: Non-refundable

I have painted the Blonde d'Aquitaine Cow portrait many times. She has also been used in my oil painting classes as a favoite model. Painting a grey or white animal challenges the artist to study soft values. One may be quiet and one may explode in bright colors. Personally, I enjoy some brighter colors in such a model. In the last few months I have been studying a much quieter palette for a large commission. You will notice a strong change in colors during this period of work.

Hashes: Art in the Burg 2024, Transition Period II, Transition Period II Available, Warrenton Art Show 2023,

Art in the Burg 2024

Transition Period II

Transition Period II Available

Warrenton Art Show 2023

0 minutes 0 seconds

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