The simplified palette for Tally Ho Holiday Solo Art Exhibit at Long Branch Historic Estate and Farm, 2019 included the following colors. Hansa yellow deep (PY 75), permanent orange (PO 62), Napthol Scarlet (PR 188), phthalo emerald (PG36), phthalo blue (PB15:2), quinacridone red (PV19), quinacridone violet (PV19) and transparent red ochre (PR 102) and zinc or titanium-zinc white.
"Not all paintings had all of the colors. Summer morning Snickersville hounds had just quin. violet, phthalo emerald, hansa yellow medium with white. Learning the scope of the colors and keeping my palette the same from canvas to canvas meant I did not have to keep notes or put one palette away while I worked on another canvas. The focused palette over a large number of canvases allowed me to work more quickly. Many of us don't keep notes on every single painting. In a manner, keeping narrow palette is like taking notes. I could always match these colors again knowing this palette."
"One of the reasons I feel in love with the color combinations is how it went from hot summer colors of August through fall and right into winter. Phthalo blue and transparent red ochre with some white make beautiful greys very easily. If I can paint along without having to worry about cleaning my brush most of the time, the colors are easy to work with. Only when I needed clean pink, yellow or blue did I really have to worry about it. Blending colors on the canvas allow the painting to have a life of it's own."
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